森茏是一家专注于进口欧美高端配件的公司,拥有十二年的进口经验和渠道资源。我们的配件全部来自于正规渠道,价格优惠,品质保证。为了让您更加放心,特此提供代理证明,证明我们是官方授权的经销商。如果您有任何关于配件的需求,请随时联系我们,我们将竭诚为您服务。0755-29969296 sales@sun-long.cn
Sunlong dedicated to importing high-end accessories from Europe and America to China. With 12 years of import experience and channel resources, all of our accessories are sourced from legitimate channels and come with competitive prices and guaranteed quality. To reassure our customers, we also provide an official agency certificate proving that we are authorized distributors. Please feel free to contact us if you have any accessory needs, and we will be happy to assist you.